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News:  ‘Nashbus’

‘Nashbus’ celebrates the anniversary of the Ukrainian-Polish market

‘Naszbus’ company has become the leader of European, international passenger transport. 1st of December is a red-letter day for us. That day marks the beginning of our activity on the market.
Exactly one year ago – on December 1st 2016 – ‘Naszbus’, for the first time, sent out its coaches in two routes – from Ukrainian capitol city Kiev and Polish city Walbrzych. For the past year our passengers have been driven daily by our coaches of the highest, European class, in affordable prices.
‘Naszbus’ during travelling through Kiev, Zytomierz, Rowno, Lvov and Polish cities Katowice, Cracow, Wroclaw, Swidnica and Walbrzych transported tens of thousands of passengers. Many of them stayed as our grateful and loyal customers, who later on chose travelling with us again.
The trust given to us by our loyal customers motivates us to keep developing and perfecting our services.
Taken the account of increasing need of our services, ‘Naszbus’ launches a brand new route ‘Czernihow – Poznan’ in two weeks, on December 15th. From now on you will be able to see with you own eyes not only Kiev, but also Warsaw – the capitol city of Poland, that’s because the route goes through both cities.
In the near future our offer will be extended by many more international routes. Choosing them means travelling by coaches with the best standard of services and comfort. Ultimately, the highest quality of travel is of the prime importance for ‘Naszbus’!

Data dodania : 2017-12-01
Wysłane przez: Nashbus

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